Observing, Documenting & Sharing: Engaging Perpetrators Under MARAM
The NIFVS Partnership hosted a webinar on 15 March 2022 to explore how organisational leaders and practitioners can use the MARAM for Adults Using Family Violence to contribute to perpetrator accountability.
Presenters: Erin Lockington (No to Violence), Robin Gregory (NIFVS), Maya Serelis (Berry Street/Child Protection), Simone Tassone (Family Safety Victoria), Lucy Burnett (Thorne Harbour Health), & Ada Conroy (NIFVS)
With a focus on observing, documenting and sharing information the webinar provided participants with the opportunity to:
- Locate their thinking in the MARAM for Adults Using Family Violence
- Hear advice from specialists on engaging and observing perpetrators
- Exploring current practice in perpetrator accountability within the limits of their role.
Forum resources
View the presentation from the webinar
MARAM Guidance for Professionals Working with Adults using Family Violence (Family Safety Victoria, Curtin University & No to Violence)
Identification Tool for People using Family Violence (Family Safety Victoria & No to Violence)
Organisational Readiness Checklist (Family Safety Victoria)
Checklist related to MARAM Guidance for Professionals Working with Adults using Family Violence.
Additional NIFVS resources
Family Violence training
MARAM and Information Sharing Portal
More resources for working with men who use family violence
More resources for working with a range of diverse communities.
“This has been super useful and a much needed initiative under MARAM. Thank you!” Participant feedback