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Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Exit Pathways – open for referral

The Exit Pathways Pilot Program by Haven Home Safe will be refunded in a 2nd round through to June 2026, and referrals are now open.

The purpose of this program is to improve access to safe accommodation for adult & child victim family violence survivors; to prevent further trauma resulting from extended periods in refuge, crisis accommodation or family violence transitional housing management due to being unable to transition into independently owned or rented accommodation

The program aims to reduce barriers to exit, through the provision of medium-term accommodation; to help to address system blockages and facilitating refuge and crisis accommodation flow through and to free up much needed refuge vacancies, creating opportunities for more victim survivors in need of a timely, life saving intervention.

For more information about the program and if you have any questions, please contact Have Home Safe at

You can download the Exit Pathways here.