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Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

News & Events

Family violence related news and events for professionals.

Early Identification of Family Violence within Universal Services Report

The third of seven topic-based reports by the Family Violence Implementation Monitor examines the early identification of family violence within universal services.

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Launch of Advocacy Alliance

The Australian Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Recovery Alliance is a newly formed community-based coalition of domestic, family and sexual violence recovery services and survivor advocates from across Australia.

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Concerns about Impact of Rental Crisis

The annual Rental Affordability Snapshot, released by Anglicare Australia, surveyed 45,992 rental listings across Australia and provides the evidence base for the dire situation of private rental affordability.

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Investigation into Social Media and Online Safety

The House of Representatives Select Committee on Social Media and Online Safety has released its report investigating the range of online harms faced by Australians on social media and other online platforms and the impacts of these harms on wellbeing.

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Inquiry Recommends Changes Regarding Misidentifcation

A parliamentary inquiry into Victoria’s Criminal Justice has investigated a number of issues including misidentification; overrepresentation; policing; victims of crime support needs; judicial appointments; and judicial training and education.

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VOCAT Reform Legislated

The Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance Scheme) Bill 2022 will see the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) replaced with an administrative Financial Assistance Scheme that is built around the needs of victims and aims to minimise trauma.

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Launch of Telephone and Online Support for Court Users

Court Network will provide services in person, remotely and via telephone helpline across all stages in which court users engage with court processes.

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MARAM Training: Mental Health and AOD Sectors 

MARAM Brief & Intermediate training is now available for workers in Mental Health and AOD sectors. 

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Family Violence Memorial Unveiled

A Family Violence Memorial has been unveiled at St Andrews Place, Melbourne to honour the lives of those lost to family violence.

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Technology Investment to Keep Women Safe

The federal government announced a $104 million technology-focused package to prevent family violence including a $20 million fund for states and territories to trial electronic monitoring of high-risk...

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