NIFVS is not a crisis response service – if in immediate danger phone 000 or Get Help
Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

News & Events

Family violence related news and events for professionals.

Illustration of victim survivors, including a woman with a child and a woman in a wheelchair.

Victim Survivor Experience Mapping Report Launched

The NIFVS Partnership has undertaken Victim Survivor Experience Mapping. The final report contains insights into victim survivor experiences of the service system in the NMR and recommendations for a range of stakeholders.

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NIFVS eNews 2023

NIFVS eNews 2023

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Welcome to Darebin’s New Family Violence Network Convenor

Jade Myconos is the new Gender Equity Officer at Darebin Council and part of her role is the Convenor of Darebin’s Family Violence Network.

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New Financial Abuse Webpage

The NIFVS team has developed a new Financial Abuse webpage with resources for professionals responding to family violence. Proactive steps can be taken to address problems such as joint debts, unaffordable loans, utilities and phones, and credit history.

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Woman with long hair smiling

Social Services Job Guarantee Program

Jobs Victoria have developed a multi-year Social Services Job Guarantee program which aims to grow the community services workforce and establish a more consistent flow of people from training into community services jobs. The program supports participating community service organisations with relevant job vacancies to be matched with suitable Diploma of Community Service graduates.

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Improving Family Violence Support for Women in Prison

Researchers from The Bouverie Centre at La Trobe University have been awarded a Victorian Government grant for a project to improve family violence support to women in prison. Organisations are invited to share the information with women who might be interested and eligible to participate in the research.

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Graduate Program Refunded

Family Safety Victoria have refunded the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Graduate Program for 2023. In the NMR, Kids First has been successful in gaining this funding and is currently recruiting for new graduates.

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More Resources to Address Adolescent Family Violence

The Victorian Government is expanding the Adolescent Family Violence in the Home program. Six organisations will share in more than $17 million to deliver early in intervention responses for adolescents who use violence.

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Apply for Fast Track Intensive Leadership Program

Specialist family violence managers, senior workers and experienced practitioners in the specialist family violence sector who are looking to move into a leadership role are invited to apply for the Fast Track Leadership program to build their leadership and management capability.

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Mental Health Statewide Trauma Service Consortium Announced 

The Victorian Government has announced the consortium selected to run the new Mental Health Statewide Trauma Service. The new service will bring together mental health practitioners, trauma experts, peer workers and carers with lived experience.

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