MARAM and Information Sharing
The Victorian government is progressing three interrelated reforms that are integral to reducing family violence and promoting child wellbeing and safety:
The Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework provides guidance to organisations prescribed under regulations, that have responsibilities in assessing and managing family violence risk. The MARAM Framework is considered best practice for anyone responding to family violence in Victoria.
The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme supports effective assessment and management of family violence risk. It enables risk relevant information to be collected, used and shared between authorised workforces.
The Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) allows authorised organisations and professionals who work with children, young people and their families to share information with each other to promote children’s wellbeing and safety.
Find out if your organisation was prescribed under these reforms in Phase One (September 2018) or Phase Two (April 2021).
MARAM secondary consultations and referrals – advice for health professionals factsheet.
Helping End Family Violence – the Information Sharing Schemes and MARAM
highlights the reasons behind and the benefits of the reform
NIFVS Webinar
Lessons Learned – MARAM and Information Sharing (May 2021): Unpacks the implementation of the MARAM and Information Sharing Schemes in the northern metropolitan region.
MARAM Resources
For Practitioners
MARAM Summary Guide:
A summary of MARAM key elements
MARAM Foundational Knowledge Guide: Explains key elements of MARAM including pillars and responsibilities.
Responding to Family Violence Capability Framework: Describes workforce tiers on p.14.
Decision Guide for MARAM Responsibilities: Outlines the relationship between tiers, roles and MARAM responsibilities.
MARAM Victim Survivor Practice Guides: Supports professionals to understand their relevant MARAM responsibilities including the identification, assessment and ongoing management of family violence risk.
MARAM Practitioner Guides: Provides practitioners with a brief overview of their role as a Screening and Identification or Brief and Intermediate practitioner.
MARAM Guidance for Professionals Working with Adults using Family Violence: Perpetrator focused tools and practice guidance. (Family Safety Victoria, Curtin University & No to Violence).
MARAM Animation Video Series: Short, animated videos focused on a variety of MARAM foundational concepts, providing another way for practitioners to build MARAM capability.
For Leaders
Understanding the Responsibilities for Organisational Leaders – MARAM framework: Guide to assist leaders determine which responsibilities apply to the organisation.
MARAM Framework: Summary for organisational leaders.
Self-Audit Tool, Implementation Plan, and Implementation Review Guide: Tools to assist implementation.
Embedding Tools: Considerations when incorporating screening, risk assessment and risk management tools.
Policies and Procedures: Examples to help support a MARAM aligned response.
External Partnerships: Guidance for organisational leaders regarding effective coordination between services.
Readiness Checklist (Perpetrator Guidance):
Recommended high-level steps for organisational leaders to align to the MARAM Guidance for Professionals Working with Adults using Family Violence. (Find under ‘Organisational focused resources.’)
Information Sharing Resources
Find guidelines and resources regarding the Family Violence and the Child Information Sharing Schemes.
Visit the free Information Sharing Online Learning System for school resources to identify and respond to child wellbeing and safety needs.
See the Child and Family Violence Information Sharing Schemes Policy page for government schools on implementing the reforms, how to request and share information and on complaints handling under the Information Sharing Schemes.
MARAM Training
View the MARAM training map and the MARAM Training Decision Tree to work out which MARAM training to attend.
Preliminary Training: For practitioners new to family violence work
Family Violence Foundations
A 6–8-hour self-paced course, which provides a common starting point for professionals seeking to develop necessary skills to undertake a family violence response role.
(Safe and Equal)
MARAM Risk Identification and Screening Training
MARAM – Identification and Screening – Virtual
For professionals who may be identifying family violence.
(Safe and Equal)
MARAM eLearn Training for Screening and Identification
For DFFH & DH funded workforces.
(Department of Education)
MARAM – Working with adults who use family violence – Identification
For all professionals who may identify family violence is occurring; this training focuses on working with adults using family violence.
(Safe and Equal)
MARAM Brief and Intermediate Training
For professionals whose purpose of intervention is linked to family violence but not directly focused on family violence.
MARAM – Brief and Intermediate – Virtual
(Safe and Equal)
MARAM Brief and Intermediate eLearn Course
For DFFH & DH funded workforces.
(Department of Education)
MARAM Comprehensive Family Violence Risk Assessment and Management
MARAM Comprehensive: Working with adults using family violence
For professionals requiring a specialist level of skill, knowledge and expertise in family violence practice with adults using family violence. (No To Violence)
MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Module (two-day training)
For family violence specialists who are new or who have not previously completed specialist CRAF training. (Safe and Equal)
MARAM Leading Alignment
MARAM Leading Alignment training
For organisational managers and leaders who have a role in supporting organisational alignment to MARAM, including alignment of practice, policies and procedures.
(Safe and Equal)
MARAM Collaborative Practice
MARAM Collaborative Practice training
For all professionals, this training focuses on collaborative practice and the foundational aspects of MARAM. It will enable practitioners to contribute to risk assessment and collaborate for ongoing risk assessment and management. (NIFVS)
Information Sharing Training
View the Information Sharing e-learning Modules Overview to work out which training to attend.
Online training in the information sharing schemes is available for practitioners and organisational leaders.
FAQs & Further Support
FAQs about Information Sharing and MARAM
Contact the Information Sharing and MARAM Enquiry Line for practice and policy guidance.
Ph: 1800 549 646 (10am-2pm, Mon-Fri) or E: