Meet River – NJC’s Court Support Dog
The Neighbourhood Justice Centre (NJC) are trialling having a court support dog (called River) and her professional handler Tessa onsite at the NJC during Intervention Order (IVO) hearing days on Tuesdays.
Research has shown that spending time with a court support dog can help to relieve stress and anxiety in people while they are waiting for their court hearings. NJC are offering to people waiting for their IVO court hearing the opportunity to spend some time with River in a private space. River is an amazing Labrador X Golden Retriever dog. She is highly trained and is calm, gentle and can recognise and respond to the emotions of humans.
Workers with clients (AFM) with an IVO listing at NJC on Tuesdays before 5 July, can advise their clients of the service. Clients can request time with River if they call Registry or Info Team prior to their hearing or on arrival on the day.
(NJC email, 15.6.22)