Welcome to 2024!
Welcome to the NIFVS newsletter – the first for 2024.
Happy New Year to you all. May the year ahead provide opportunities for achievement and change.
Women and gender diverse people are still experiencing violence perpetrated against them. They are still battling financial crises with cost-of-living challenges and a lack of affordable housing. And, they experience multiple barriers to accessing the services they require.
As a sector, we embark upon many challenges in 2024, including to our service delivery, our funding and within our workforces.
We are lucky to work within a highly capable, experienced and dedicated sector here in the northern metro Melbourne.
Following the development and final approval of the NIFVS Strategic Plan for 2023- 26 last year, the Regional Integration Family Violence Services Committee will meet in early 2024 to confirm a new governance structure for the year ahead.
I am excited about the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and look forward to working with our dedicated Family Violence service sector to address family violence and it impacts on victim survivors.
I wish you all the best for the coming year.
Kind regards,
Helen Riseborough
Northern Integrated Family Violence Committee