Integrated Responses to Vulnerable Children
On 24 March 2015, 90 workers from across the northern metropolitan region participated in a forum on how the integrated family violence system can better respond to vulnerable children.
Attendees heard from Professor Cathy Humphreys and a panel of children’s family violence specialists from Anglicare, Berry Street Northern Family and Domestic Violence Service and Bright Futures – Children’s Specialist Support Service.
Forum resources
View a summary of the forum.
You can also access some of the presentations from the day, including:
Understanding the integrated system (Sarah Johnson, Regional Integration Coordinator)
Responding to the needs of children living with family violence (Prof. Cathy Humphreys)
Bright Futures responding to children in an integrated system (Allen Jeffress, Bright Futures – Children’s Specialist Support Service)
Additional resources
For more resources about working with children and young people who have experienced family violence, visit our Children’s and young people’s resources page.